AI, ML and Data Science

We work with companies who have data but they are underutilized in business decision making and process improvement.

Data Science is forcing every business to act differently. The decision making today is far more complex and driven by AI and Machine Learning Models. The Business Intelligence tools of yesterday are being rewritten to incorporate Data Science and Machine Learning.

We have worked with several companies across various industries and business domains like finance and accounting, marketing, manufacturing and trading. Read more...

Courses Designed by Industry Experts

Software Development and Consulting

Software Development and Consulting

New Age Business Intelligence Applications

We work mostly in the field of machine learning and data science projects with technologies like Python, Java and Scala. These projects are mainly related to new age business intelligence software.

SAP and Service Now

We help companies stuck with implementation of large software like SAP and ServiceNow, and many requirement unimplemented or loose ends.

Cloud and Micro-services

We help companies with rapid cloud and micro-services based applications, and UI based on React and Angular.

Read more about our Software Development and Consulting services.


Your managers highly creative and intelligent [who] have ensured quick onboarding of projects and delivery with minimal time ans cost overruns. We are going strong together.

Deepak Kumar, CEO, Yuvisha Technologies


AI Data Sense' Testing Services are one of their strong points. They enhance customer's quality by exploring options to implement [the] best testing strategy while remaining dedicated to the scope and budget.

Nayeemuddin Mohammed, Portfolio Manager, Capgemini

Software Testing

We Mean Testing

Enhancing customer's quality by exploring testing thoughts

  • Risk based testing approach
  • Optimization of test cycles
  • Metrics Management at project and program level
  • Metrics based dash boards
  • Tools for metrics data capture
  • Seamless integration between defect management and test cases

Knowledge Management

Frightening Scenario

The students and their parents have no choice but to join the rat race of long inhuman school hours, books bloated with problems that tire the students, coaching and extra classes which makes matter even worse. They are trapped in and spend their whole time in study, sacrificing all other activities. The result is even more frightening than the whole process - unskilled, illiterate and unemployable youth.

Where the problem lies?

The knowledge is presented in fragmented manner and same topic is repeated several times. The focus is on practice and memorization, rather than learning concepts and a logical path to higher and more complex concepts. Too many 'pattern' questions make it necessary to devote long hours to do well in exams.

Be part of the change

Knowledge Management offered by us is a product that eliminates wasteful activities, presents knowledge in logical and networked fashion through Integrated Knowledge Flow, combines and presents similar and related topics at one place, all leading to faster learning, wider coverage and practice of concepts and minimization of memorization.

Read more our Knowledge Management


Contact Us

Our training program

Significant lag between the skills requirement and availability

Our training services started with the need to get talented programmers for our own and our clients' projects. Many years into our existence and training our programmers, we realized that we always had a significant lag between the skills requirement and availability. This was even more pronounced in case of freshers just out of colleges.

When your talent pool is low

We had a serious issue when we lost several of our programmers shifted to big companies in very short span of time. It was devastating and we had to think out of box. After several weeks of brainstorming, we started a training program to get ready to work programmers for our projects, so typical of large companies. But we focused on a more comprehensive training program.

So, we continued to train people

Induction of non-employees had one more benefit - the talent pool within our reach had suddenly expanded. This encouraged us to expand our training program.

Our Inverted Learning Program


Career Transition Management


What is Career Transition Management?

In the middle of your career, you want to change your job and/or moving to a new technology domain where your past experience is very helpful but not enough, you need some guidance to ensure smooth completion of your assignments or delivery. An expert from our company will be available on-demand to help you and work with you to resolve your issues arising due to being relatively new in the concerned technology domain.

Who engages us?

We have been working with employers and employees both. Our experience has been better when employer is involved. In that case, armed with legal contracts and no-disclosure agreements, we help the employees in real time, ensuring very smooth transition and on-boarding both for employers and employees.

Who are our experts?

They are experts who are available with us permanently or on per hour basis.

Planning a job or technology shift?

If you are planning to change your job, move to another technology and don't know where to look for support, you can rely on us for expert and reliable hand-holding.

A company or an HR agency?

If you are a company or an HR agency and want your team or individual members to have smooth on-boarding in job or transition to new technology, count on us.

Read more about our Career Transition Management services.