Software Development and Consulting

Software Development

We work mostly in the field of machine learning and data science to help you improve your business processes and decision making. If you have large pool of data and want to explore how that can be used to run your business processes more efficiently, do cost-benefit analyses and forecasting, we can help you.

SAP and ServiceNow

We help companies stuck with implementation of large software like SAP and ServiceNow, and many requirement unimplemented or loose ends. We implement even small requirement that large software companies don't find remunerative. With our lower overhead and a pool of experts available on-demand, we can help you implement such small requirements as well.

If you have such unimplemented requirement or customization required in your existing implementation, contact us today.

Software Maintenance

We take care of your existing software and implementations, do regular performance monitoring and efficiency audit to help you get best from your investment and improving your ROI.